How Does Zigbee Work

How Does Zigbee Work? Everything You Need to Know

Zigbee is one of the most popular choices of communication protocols that allow different smart home devices from different manufacturers to work with each other, but how exactly does it work and what makes it so good for over 400 companies to want to use it?

17 Reasons You Should Buy a Smart Thermostat

17 Reasons You Should Buy a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats are considered the number one smart home device to buy if you are looking to make the biggest savings in your energy bills each month, but they provide a lot of other benefits such as being able to control them remotely and potentially even making money from having one.

17 Reasons You Should Buy a Smart Lock

17 Reasons You Should Buy a Smart Lock

Smart locks are growing in popularity and for a good reason; they bring a lot of benefits that other smart home devices can’t provide such as the ability to keep a log of who is entering and leaving your home and at what times.

How to Make Alexa's Voice Quieter

How to Make Alexa’s Voice Quieter

There have been times where I have had Alexa playing some music through my Echo device at just the right volume, yet when I ask her a question it feels like she is shouting back at me and it is simply too loud. This got me thinking on the ways to make Alexa’s voice quieter and whether the volume of Alexa’s voice can be different to the volume of music being played.

23 Creative Uses for Smart Plugs

23 Creative Uses for Smart Plugs

Many people will use a smart plug for simply turning on and off a lamp through the app or by using their voice, but they have so much more potential that isn’t being recognized.